Who we are

Our website address is: http://www.agbalticautotrade.lt. We are aware of the particular importance we attach to the protection of your personal data and therefore we collect and process only the data necessary for the performance of our activities. We process personal data lawfully, transparently and fairly, for predefined purposes and only to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes. When we process personal data, we aim to keep it accurate, secure, confidential, properly stored and protected.


When visitors post comments on the website, we collect the data visible on the comment posting form, as well as the visitor's IP address and browser user record, to protect against spam.

An anonymised data record (hash) may be generated from your email address and provided to the Gravatar service provider in order to verify your use of this service. Gravatar's privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. Once your comment has been approved, your profile picture is publicly visible next to your comment.


If you upload photos to a website, you should avoid uploading them with stored location data (EXIF GPS). Visitors to the website can download photos from the website and extract location data from them.


When you post a comment on this website, you can choose whether you want your name, email address and website to be stored in cookies. This is for your convenience, so that you do not have to re-enter these details each time you comment. These cookies are stored for one year.

If you have an account and log in to our website, we create a temporary cookie to record whether your browser accepts cookies. This cookie does not store any personal information and is deleted when you close your browser.

When you log in, we also create a number of cookies that store your login information and your screen display preferences. Login cookies are valid for 2 days and display preferences cookies are valid for one year. If you tick the "Remember me" option, your login cookie will be valid for 2 weeks. When you log out of your account, your login cookies are deleted.

If you edit or publish a post, an additional cookie is stored in your browser. This cookie does not store personal data, but it does store the ID of the post you have just edited or published. This cookie expires after 1 day.

Content from other websites

This website may contain content uploaded from another website (for example, videos, images, text, etc.). Viewing and interacting with such uploaded content on this website is equivalent to visiting the websites from which the content is uploaded.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, third-party tracking services and monitor your interactions with uploaded content, including if you have an account and are logged in to these websites.

Who we share your data with

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

How long we keep your data

If you post a comment, its text and metadata are stored indefinitely. This is so that we can recognise and approve future comments automatically, instead of an administrator approving them.

When you register on our website and become a user, we store all the personal data you provide in your account. Each user can view, edit and delete their personal data at any time (with the exception of their username). Site administrators can also view and edit this data.

Your rights

If you have an account on this website, or have ever posted a comment here, you can request to receive a data export file containing all the personal data we hold about you, including data that you have provided to us. You can also request that we delete any personal data we hold about you. These two requirements do not apply to data that we are required by law to retain for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Where your data is sent

Visitors' comments can be checked using an automated spam search service.

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